“Meilleure convention de dénomination pour les branches Git” Réponses codées

Noming Branches Git

// 1. Start branch name with a Group word:
bug-logo-alignment-issue // the developer is trying to fix the logo alignment issue
wip-ioc-container-added // the branch relates to the task to add an IoC container in progress

// 2. Use Unique ID in branch names:

// 3. Use Hyphen or Slash as Separators:
// GOOD:
// BAD:

// 4. Git Branch with Author Name:

// 5. Avoid using numbers only:
// branch name 9912 only means more confusion and risk of mistakes, especially during merging with other git branches.

// 6. Avoid using all naming convention simultaneously:
/* Mixing and matching all Git branch naming conventions are not the best practice. It only adds confusion and complicates the overall processes.
A team should decide the naming conventions to use in work once, and stick to them. Consistency is the most critical thing. */

// 7. Avoid long descriptive names for long-lived branches:
// GOOD:
wip_feature_login_module // short, but it explains the purpose of this branch
// BAD:
wip_login_module_which_will_used_in_the_public_website // long and detailed. It is not necessary

Meilleure convention de dénomination pour les branches Git

git branch naming convention
Faith Olubummo

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