“Liste des commandes GIT” Réponses codées

Commandes GIT

git remote show origin

Commandes GIT

git merge --abort
Tense Trout

Commandes GIT

> git add
Moves changes from the working directory to the staging area. 
This gives you the opportunity to prepare a snapshot before committing it to the official history.

> git branch
This command is your general-purpose branch administration tool. 
It lets you create isolated development environments within a single repository.

> git checkout
In addition to checking out old commits and old file revisions, git checkout is also the means to navigate existing branches. 
Combined with the basic Git commands, it’s a way to work on a particular line of development.

> git clean
Removes untracked files from the working directory. 
This is the logical counterpart to git reset, which (typically) only operates on tracked files.

> git clone
Creates a copy of an existing Git repository. 
Cloning is the most common way for developers to obtain a working copy of a central repository.

> git commit
Takes the staged snapshot and commits it to the project history. 
Combined with git add, this defines the basic workflow for all Git users.

> git commit --amend
Passing the --amend flag to git commit lets you amend the most recent commit. 
This is very useful when you forget to stage a file or omit important information from the commit message.

> git config
A convenient way to set configuration options for your Git installation. 
You’ll typically only need to use this immediately after installing Git on a new development machine.

> git fetch
Fetching downloads a branch from another repository, along with all of its associated commits and files. 
But, it does not try to integrate anything into your local repository. 
This gives you a chance to inspect changes before merging them with your project.

> git init
Initializes a new Git repository. 
If you want to place a project under revision control, this is the first command you need to learn.

> git log
Lets you explore the previous revisions of a project. 
It provides several formatting options for displaying committed snapshots.

> git merge
A powerful way to integrate changes from divergent branches. 
After forking the project history with git branch, git merge lets you put it back together again.

> git pull
Pulling is the automated version of git fetch. 
It downloads a branch from a remote repository, then immediately merges it into the current branch. 
This is the Git equivalent of svn update.

> git push
Pushing is the opposite of fetching (with a few caveats). 
It lets you move a local branch to another repository, which serves as a convenient way to publish contributions. 
This is like svn commit, but it sends a series of commits instead of a single changeset.

> git rebase
Rebasing lets you move branches around, which helps you avoid unnecessary merge commits. 
The resulting linear history is often much easier to understand and explore.

> git rebase -i
The -i flag is used to begin an interactive rebasing session. 
This provides all the benefits of a normal rebase, but gives you the opportunity to add, edit, or delete commits along the way.

> git reflog
Git keeps track of updates to the tip of branches using a mechanism called reflog. 
This allows you to go back to changesets even though they are not referenced by any branch or tag.

> git remote
A convenient tool for administering remote connections. 
Instead of passing the full URL to the fetch, pull, and push commands, it lets you use a more meaningful shortcut.

> git reset
Undoes changes to files in the working directory. 
Resetting lets you clean up or completely remove changes that have not been pushed to a public repository.

> git revert
Undoes a committed snapshot. 
When you discover a faulty commit, reverting is a safe and easy way to completely remove it from the code base.

Commandes GIT

git config --global credential.helper cache
Better Butterfly

Commandes GIT

git code .                                //Open vs code
git status                                //Show file status
git status -s                             //show short file status
git add <filename>                        //Add the particular file to staging area
git add .                                  //Add all the file to the staging area
git commit --amend                        //Add these changes to the last commit (will have to use vim editor)
git commit -m "message"                   //Commit the files in the staging area    
git commit -am "message"                  //Will commit without adding the file to the staging area
git checkout --<filename>                 //will restore the file from the last commit
git checkout -f                           //All the files will be replaced with last commit
git checkout -b <branch name> 		   	  //Create a branch
git branch 								//To see the branches
git branch -d <branch name>				//To delete a branch
git branch -v 							//will show the branch and its last commit
git branch --merged 					//will show the branches that are merged
git branch --no-merged 					//will show the branches that are not merged
git merge <branch name>					//while in a branch you can merge another branch
git log                                   //Show all the commits
git log -n                                //n can be replaced by any number "will show last n commits"
git log -p                                //Will show detailed discription of the commits  
git log -p -n                             //use of n is similar as described above  
git log --stat                            //will show short detailing of the commits  
git log --stat -n                         //use of n is similar as described above    
git log --since=n.days                    //commit of last n days/weeks/months "days can be replaced by weeks,months"
git rm --cached <filename>                //will remove to file from the tracking area 
git rm -rf                                //will uninitialized the current repository              
git rm <filename>                         //will delete the file  
git mv <Present filename> <The filename after the change>  //to Rename the file
git clone <URL>                           //Cloning a repository in the current folder
git clone <URL> foldername                //Cloning the repository in the given folder name (Folder will be created by itself) 
git config --global alias. <new name> 'old command'  //while create an alias command for the given command
git remote 						//Show all the name of remote repository
git remote -v 					//Show all the path (fetch/push) of the remote repository
git remote add <name> url			//Add a remote repository
git remote rm <name>				//To remove a remote
git push <remote name> <branch name>	//To push a branch to remote repository
git push <remote name> <branch name>:<branch name you want to have in the remote repository>
git reset HEAD						//To move to a previous commit

More commands can be found on this website
//website https://git-scm.com/docs/git-log

Liste des commandes GIT

//To add file in commit
git add filePath

//To Commit with message
git commit -m 'Commit message'

//To revert file changes to its head. Replace with head
git checkout -- libs/logs/advertiserApi/advertiserApi.log

//To skip ng lint and commit the code
git commit -m 'ng lint error reverted back' --no-verify

//To reset commit below command
// Below HEAD~1 means it will reset to last 1 commit, HEAD~2 means it will reset to last 2 commits.
git reset HEAD~1
git reset HEAD~2
git reset HEAD~3

git reset --soft HEAD^
git reset --hard HEAD^

//To merge and resolve conflict by using Ours changes or Theirs changes.
git checkout --Xours --Xtheirs

git merge --abort

//To create new branch
git branch branchName

//Display all branches
//For local branches
git branch 
//For remote branches
git branch -r

// delete branch locally
git branch -d localBranchName

// delete branch remotely
git push origin --delete remoteBranchName

//Git stash changes temporary
git stash save "Saving data of story"

//View stashes
git stash list

//Bring stash back and remove from stash
git stash pop

//Bring stash back and keep in stash
git stash apply

//Remove from stash
git stash drop

Hans Your Friend

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