Définissez les touches SSH Muiltiple pour différents comptes GitHub sur un seul ordinateur

# navigating to the ssh directory, run the following command.
cd .ssh/

# Generate SSH key for each GitHub account
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "[email protected]"
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "your_name@organization_email.com"
ls ~/.ssh
cat id_rsa_personal.pub
Copy the SSH key and then sign in to your GitHub account.

Follow the steps below to add an SSH key to your GitHub account:

On your GitHub, navigate to Settings.
Choose SSH and GPG keys - Gnu Privacy Guard (GPG) is an encryption technique that allows secure information sharing among parties.
Hit on the New SSH Key button, give it a significant Title and paste the Key.
Finally, click the Add SSH key button.
open your git config fle if it exists
If it exists, you can edit it, or else it can be created using this command:

touch config
nano config
in nano config
# Personal account, - the default config
Host github.com-"type your personal github username"
   HostName github.com
   User git
   IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_personal
# Work account
Host github.com-"type your organization github username"  
   HostName github.com
   User git
   IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_work
  hit Ctrl X to save and close nano
Theophilus Boakye