“Afficher / rechercher un nom de hachage de validation dans un journal GIT” Réponses codées


function onCreate()
	--Iterate over all notes
	for i = 0, getProperty('unspawnNotes.length')-1 do
		--Check if the note is an Instakill Note
		if getPropertyFromGroup('unspawnNotes', i, 'noteType') == 'YOUR NOTE NAME' then
			setPropertyFromGroup('unspawnNotes', i, 'texture', 'gunpowder_assets'); --Change texture
			if getPropertyFromGroup('unspawnNotes', i, 'mustPress') then --Doesn't let Dad/Opponent notes get ignored
				setPropertyFromGroup('unspawnNotes', i, 'ignoreNote', true); --Miss has no penalties
	--debugPrint('Script started!')

-- Function called when you hit a note (after note hit calculations)
-- id: The note member id, you can get whatever variable you want from this note, example: "getPropertyFromGroup('notes', id, 'strumTime')"
-- noteType: The note type string/tag
-- isSustainNote: If it's a hold note, can be either true or false
function goodNoteHit(id, direction, noteType, isSustainNote)
	if noteType == 'YOUR NOTE NAME' then
		curHealth = getProperty('health')
		setProperty('health', curHealth - 0.3);
		makeLuaSprite('image', 'gpsplash', 100, -100);
		addLuaSprite('image', true);
		doTweenColor('hello', 'image', 'FFFFFFFF', 0.5, 'quartIn');
		setObjectCamera('image', 'other');
		runTimer('wait', 3.5); --waits 3.5 seconds then the image displayed dissapears
		-- put something here if you want


function onTimerCompleted(tag, loops, loopsleft) --image fades away until it's opacity is 0
	if tag == 'wait' then
		doTweenAlpha('byebye', 'image', 0, 0.3, 'linear');

function onTweenCompleted(tag)
	if tag == 'byebye' then
		removeLuaSprite('image', true); --image dissapears
Distinct Dove

.model small_  

no db 1h_ ;  
counter db 1_  
string1 db "Please Enter the No. to calculate factorial (0~8): ","$"  
string2 db "Factorial is: ","$"  

main proc  
mov ax,@data  
mov ds,ax  
mov dx,offset string1  
mov ah,09h  
int 21h  
mov cl,1  
cmp counter,3  
ja End1  
mov ah,01h  
int 21h  
sub al,48  
inc counter  
mov no,al  
cmp no,8  
ja loop1  

cmp no,cl  
je display  
mul al,cl  
inc cl  
jmp factorial  

mov ax,@data  
mov ds,ax  
mov dx,offset string2  
mov ah,09  
int 21h  
mov dl,al  
add dl,48  
mov ah,02h  
int 21h  
mov ah,4ch  
int  21h  
main endp  
**_End main _**
Famous Fox

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