“télécommande Git Pull” Réponses codées

Tirez les branches distantes

git fetch origin
git checkout --track origin/<remote_branch_name>
Witty Wolverine

Git Pull Origin Master

git pull origin master

Git Pull Origin Master

git checkout my_branch    # move on your branch (make sure it exists)
git fetch origin          # fetch all changes
git pull origin master    # pull changes from the origin remote, master branch and merge them into my_branch
git push origin my_branch # push my_branch
Mosby DevOps

comment git tirer le maître d'origine

git pull origin
Misty Mantis

télécommande Git Pull

Git pull origin name_of_remote_branch
#pull down changes of remote branch to local repo
Michael Futral

tirage git

git checkout new_feature
git pull <remote repo>
2 Programmers 1 Bug

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