“SQL où contient” Réponses codées

Comme SQL

WHERE CustomerName LIKE 'a%'	
--Finds any values that start with "a"
WHERE CustomerName LIKE '%a'	
--Finds any values that end with "a"
WHERE CustomerName LIKE '%or%'	
--Finds any values that have "or" in any position
WHERE CustomerName LIKE '_r%'	
--Finds any values that have "r" in the second position
WHERE CustomerName LIKE 'a__%'	
--Finds any values that start with "a" and are at least 3 characters in length
WHERE ContactName LIKE 'a%o'	
--Finds any values that start with "a" and ends with "o"
Black Tailed Deer

SQL ne contient pas

SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE tbl.col NOT LIKE '%text%';

SQL où contient

SELECT * FROM mytable
WHERE column1 LIKE '%word1%'
   OR column1 LIKE '%word2%'
   OR column1 LIKE '%word3%'

T_SQL contient

SELECT * FROM table WHERE Contains(Column, "test");
Carnivorous Flamingo

SQL où contient une partie de la chaîne

-- To find an exact string
SELECT * FROM [table] WHERE [field] LIKE '%stringtosearchfor%'.
Zealous Zebra

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