“Conversion de type de données Python” Réponses codées

Comment convertir les types de variables dans Python

int(anyData) #any into integer
str(anyData) #any into string
ord(chr) #character into number
hex(int) #integer into hexadecimal string
oct(int) #integer into octal string
float(anyData) #any into float
tuple() #convert to tuple
set() #returns the type after converting to set
list() #convert any data type to a list
dict() #convert a tuple of order (key,value) into a dictionary
complex(real,imag) #converts real numbers to complex(real,imag) number
Expensive Eagle

python: convertir la variable en tant que caractère

df['myvar'] = df['myvar'].astype(str)
Andrea Perlato

Conversion de type de données Python

equationStrToInt = '8 * 8'
strToList = 'GREPPER'
Disgusted Duck

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