“Si le type est String Python” Réponses codées

Si le type est String Python

isinstance(s, str)
Fair Fly

Python Vérifiez si la variable est une chaîne

# python 2
isinstance(s, basestring)

# python 3
isinstance(s, str)

Vérifiez si la chaîne est Python

# Method that checks if a string has python keywords, function calls or assignments
def pythonCheck(text):
    if re.search(r'^(for|while|if|def|try|except|else|elif|with|continue|break|#|from|import|return|pass|async|await|yield|raise|del|class|global|finally|assert)', text):
        return True

    # if it starts with a '(' then it's not python
    if re.search(r'^\(', text):
        return False

     # if it starts or ends with a '=' then it's not python
    if re.search(r'^=|=$', text):
        return False

    if re.search(r'\(|=', text):
        return True

    return False
Zé Pedro Mota

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