Structures de données imbriquées
1 Array values are accessed by their index in the array in square brackets
2 Object values are accessed by their property (key) names using dot notation
If you can easily identify an array (enclosed in [square brackets]) and
an object (enclosed in {curly braces}), as well as remember the
two key points above, you'll find it quite easy to navigate nested
data structures. Here is a complex one repesenting a company with their
financial statements for example:
let company = {
name: 'Apple, Inc',
founded: 1976,
financials: {
incomeStatement: {
years: [2020, 2019, 2018],
revenue: [125, 120, 115],
costs: [100, 100, 100],
profit: [25, 20, 15]
balanceSheet: {
years: [2020, 2019, 2018],
assets: [200, 190, 180],
liabilties: [100, 95, 90],
equity: [100, 95, 90]
cashFlow: {
years: [2020, 2019, 2018],
operating: [75, 65, 55],
investing: [22, 20, 18],
financing: [-94, -80, -75]
competitors: ['Microsoft', 'Amazon', 'Samsung']
Gorgeous Goldfinch