Installation de PhotoShop CS5 dans une erreur Windows XP: (jusqu'à 12% de l'installation);


Journal des erreurs:


Exit Code: 6

-------------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------------

 - 0 fatal error(s), 43 error(s), 41 warning(s)

WARNING: The payload: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Core  {7DFEBBA4-81E1-425B-BBAA-06E9E5BBD97E} requires a UI parent with following specification:

    Family: Photoshop

    ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Core_x64

    This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.

WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

WARNING: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure

ERROR: The following payload errors were found during install:

ERROR:  - Adobe CSXS Infrastructure CS5: Install failed

ERROR:  - Microsoft_VC90_ATL_x86: Install failed

ERROR:  - Adobe Media Player: Install failed

ERROR:  - Microsoft_VC90_CRT_x86: Install failed

ERROR:  - Adobe Photoshop CS5 Support: Install failed

ERROR:  - Adobe Bridge CS5: Install failed

ERROR:  - Microsoft_VC80_ATL_x86: Install failed

ERROR:  - DeviceCentral_DeviceCentral3LP-zh_CN: Install failed

ERROR:  - Adobe XMP Panels CS5: Install failed

ERROR:  - Photoshop Camera Raw: Install failed

ERROR:  - AdobeColorCommonSetCMYK: Install failed

ERROR:  - Adobe Mini Bridge CS5: Install failed

ERROR:  - Adobe Photoshop CS5 Chinese Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop12-zh_CN: Install failed

ERROR:  - Adobe ReviewPanel CS5: Install failed

ERROR:  - Microsoft_VC90_MFC_x86: Install failed

ERROR:  - Suite Shared Configuration CS5: Install failed

ERROR:  - Adobe Linguistics CS5: Install failed

ERROR:  - DeviceCentral: Failed due to Language Pack installation failure

ERROR:  - AdobeColorEU CS5: Install failed

ERROR:  - AdobeTypeSupport CS5: Install failed

ERROR:  - AdobeColorVideoProfilesCS CS5: Install failed

ERROR:  - AdobeColorCommonSetRGB: Install failed

ERROR:  - Adobe Photoshop CS5 Core: Failed due to Language Pack installation failure

ERROR:  - Adobe CSXS Extensions CS5: Install failed

ERROR:  - AdobeOutputModule: Install failed

ERROR:  - Microsoft_VC80_CRT_x86: Install failed

ERROR:  - Adobe WinSoft Linguistics Plugin CS5: Install failed

ERROR:  - AdobePDFL CS5: Install failed

ERROR:  - AdobeCMaps CS5: Install failed

ERROR:  - AdobeColorNA CS5: Install failed

ERROR:  - Required Common Fonts Installation: Install failed

ERROR:  - Adobe SwitchBoard 2.0: Install failed

ERROR:  - Microsoft_VC80_MFC_x86: Install failed

ERROR:  - AdobeColorPhotoshop CS5: Install failed

ERROR:  - Microsoft_VC80_MFCLOC_x86: Install failed

ERROR:  - PDF Settings CS5: Install failed

ERROR:  - Recommended Common Fonts Installation: Install failed

ERROR:  - Adobe Extension Manager CS5: Install failed

ERROR:  - AdobeColorJA CS5: Install failed

ERROR:  - AdobeJRE: Install failed

ERROR:  - Adobe ExtendScript Toolkit CS5: Install failed

ERROR:  - Adobe AIR: Install failed


J'ai essayé plusieurs fois et le problème est toujours là, toute aide sera appréciée, merci!

la source
Peut-être une question idiote, mais est-ce que Windows 64 bits est installé?
Oui, le journal des erreurs semble aller dans cette direction: il veut installer Win XP 64, mais il dit qu'il ne peut pas le trouver. Vérifiez si vous avez XP 32 ou 64 bits. Et vérifiez quelles sont les exigences système sur la boîte (je pensais que le disque intall contenait les deux versions, mais qui sait ...).



J'ai eu un problème similaire lors de la tentative d'installation de CS5 Update to Win 7 64 bits à l'aide d'un DVD d'installation Adobe d'origine. J'ai essayé plusieurs des suggestions disponibles sur ce forum et sur le Web. Je n'ai vérifié le journal des erreurs que beaucoup plus tard. J'aurais dû le faire immédiatement.

Une référence cible pour Mes images a été pointée sur un lecteur réseau mappé qui avait changé de nom il y a quelque temps. Pour une raison quelconque, CS5 ne serait pas installé tant que son nom de dossier n’était pas valide pour Mes images. Je devais changer les références dans le registre (ainsi que supprimer la référence au pilote de réseau mappé défunt partout où je pouvais le trouver). Voila! Installé sans accroc et fonctionne maintenant bien.

la source