Les 1 bits consécutifs sont incrémentés


Étant donné un modèle (format chaîne ou tableau) de bits: [0,1,1,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1]

La tâche consiste à remplacer un nombre quelconque de 1-bits consécutifs par une séquence numérique ascendante commençant à 1.


  • Modèle (peut être reçu sous forme de chaîne ou de tableau) Exemple:
    • Chaîne: 1001011010110101001
    • Tableau: [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1]


  • Séquence numérique ascendante (peut être renvoyée sous forme de chaîne ou de tableau) Exemple:
    • Chaîne: 1 0 0 1 0 1 2 0 1 0 1 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 1
    • Tableau: [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1]


  • (s'applique uniquement aux chaînes) L' entrée ne contiendra pas d'espaces entre 1et0
  • Supposer entrée length > 0
  • (s'applique uniquement aux chaînes de caractères) La sortie est séparée par un espace (utilisez tout autre séparateur si vous en avez besoin tant qu'il ne s'agit pas d'un chiffre ou d'une lettre de l'alphabet)


Given [0,1,1,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1] 
Output [0,1,2,3,0,1,2,0,0,0,1,2,3,4,5,6]


Given 0110101111101011011111101011111111     
Output 0 1 2 0 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 0 1 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Given 11111111111101    
Output 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0 1

Critères gagnants: Codegolf

Luis Felipe De Jesus Munoz
la source



05AB1E , 4 octets


Essayez-le en ligne! ou comme combinaison de test


γ      # split input into groups of consecutive equal elements
 €ƶ    # multiply each number in each sublist by its 1-based index in the sublist
   ˜   # flatten
la source
Oof, mieux que le mien. Je n'aurais jamais pensé à cela.
Urne magique Octopus le
Je ne connais pas à 100% les règles de décompte des octets de codegolf (et googler n'a trouvé que ce message qui n'a pas abouti). Alors que votre réponse est de 4 caractères, il ne devrait pas y avoir au moins 8 octets (par exemple, utf-16-be sans nomenclature 03 B3 20 AC 01 B6 02 DC) ou 9 octets (utf-8:) CE B3 E2 82 AC C6 B6 CB 9Cou 10 octets (par exemple, UTF-16, y compris la nomenclature à 2 octets) dans tout encodage non-jouet? (Oui, on pourrait construire un encodage jouet à 8 bits similaire à l'encodage ISO / 8859 avec ces 4 symboles représentés par 1 octet, mais cela semble être de la triche.)
dr jimbob
@drjimbob Oui, bonne question. Le code peut en réalité être converti en un fichier binaire en utilisant la page de code 05AB1E . Par exemple, γ€ƶ˜serait représenté par 04 80 8F 98. La page de code existe principalement pour faciliter l'écriture de code. Pour exécuter ce fichier de 4 octets, vous devez exécuter l'interpréteur avec l' --osabieindicateur.

Haskell , 15 octets


Essayez-le en ligne!

Explication / Ungolfed

scanl1 itère de gauche sur une liste en utilisant une fonction qui prend le dernier résultat et l'élément courant générant une nouvelle liste avec les résultats, laissant les listes vides et les singletons "non modifiés".

(*).succ est l'équivalent de \x y-> (x+1)*y

Utiliser cette fonction avec scanl1seulement ne fonctionne que parce que les séquences croissantes ( 1,2,3, .. ) commencent par 1 et n'ont pas d'élément précédent (auquel cas c'est le premier élément de la liste qui ne sera pas "modifié") ou ils ont un 0 en tête .

la source

Husk , 5 4 3 octets


Essayez-le en ligne!


ṁ∫g  -- full function, example input: [1,1,1,0,1]
  g  -- group: [[1,1],[0],[1]]
ṁ    -- map the following and concatenate result (example with [1,1,1])
 ∫   -- | cumulative sum: [1,2,3]
     -- : [1,2,3,0,1]

Modifier l'historique

-1 byte by using scanl1 over zipWith

-1 byte by porting Dennis's solution

la source

APL (Dyalog Unicode), 5 bytes


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How it works

   ,\   Convert to lists of first n elements
⊥⍨¨     Map "Count trailing ones" to each list
la source
Nice usage of the ⊥⍨ trick.

JavaScript (ES6), 22 bytes

Takes input as an array.


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The shorter a=>a.map(n=>a=n*-~a) (20 bytes) would unfortunately fail on [1] because of coercion of singleton arrays to the integer they're holding.

la source

J, 4 bytes


A port of Bubbler's APL solution

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J, 8 bytes



It's simply the distance to the preceding 0

       \  for each prefix
     |.   reverse it
    @     and
i.&0      find the index of the first 0

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Galen Ivanov
la source

Python 2, 39 38 bytes

-1 byte thanks to Erik the Outgolfer

for x in input():i*=x;print i;i+=1

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la source
I don't think you need the ,.
Erik the Outgolfer
@EriktheOutgolfer it looks prettier this way c:
Sorry, but sometimes, in life, you have to make sacrifices.
Erik the Outgolfer
RIP , you're not in the code anymore, but you will be forever in my heart

Jelly, 4 bytes


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   \   Accumulate the input with:
  ¥   The dyad
‘      Increment the left element
 ×    Multiply by the second element (1 or 0)
       The result always begins with the first element unchanged
la source

K (oK), 11 8 bytes



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Iterate over the list. Increment accumulator, multiply by current item (which resets accumulator if item is 0):

{y*1+x}\ / the solution
{     }\ / iterate (\) over lambda function
     x   / accumulator
   1+    / add 1
 y*      / multiply by current item
la source

Jelly, 4 bytes


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How it works

ŒgÄF  Main link. Argument: A (bit array)

Œg    Group adjacent, identical bits.
  Ä   Accumulate; take the cumulative sum of each chunk.
   F  Flatten.
la source
With the group runs quick Erik had suggested this would be three bytes! (If I understood what it would do correctly)
@dylnan The problem is that it's hard to decide on a behavior for such a quick. :( That's why the quick is still in hiatus.
Erik the Outgolfer
There could be multiple quicks for the main possible implementations

R, 46 31 bytes


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sequence, which "mainly exists in reverence to the very early history of R", is quite handy here.

function(a)                       # function, taking a vector as argument
                    rle(a)$l      # take the lengths of the run-length encoding
           sequence(        )     # and generate the list [1:x for x in lengths]
                             *a   # multiply by a to maintain 0s, and return
la source

RAD, 8 bytes


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  • (⊢×1+⊣), if the right argument is 0, return 0, otherwise increment the left argument
  • , LTR Scan ((A f B) f C instead of A f (B f C)) , apply this across the array
la source

Japt, 7 6 5 bytes


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åÏ        :Cumulatively reduce
   °X     :  Increment the current total (initially 0)
  *       :  Multiply by the current element
la source

Java 8, 55 48 bytes

a->{int p=0,i=0;for(int v:a)a[i++]=v<1?p=0:++p;}

Modifies the input-array instead of returning a new one to save bytes.

-7 bytes thanks to @TimSeguine.

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a->{             // Method with integer-array parameter and no return-type
  int p=0,       //  Previous integer, starting at 0
      i=0;       //  Index-integer, starting at 0
  for(int v:a)   //  Loop over the values of the input-array:
    a[i++]=v<1?  //   If the current value is 0:
          p=0    //    Reset the previous integer to 0
         :       //   Else:
          ++p;}  //    Increase `p` by 1 first with `++p`
                 //    and set the current item to this new value of `p`
Kevin Cruijssen
la source
You can shave it down to 48: a->{int p=0,i=0;for(int b:a)a[i++]=b<1?p=0:++p;}
Tim Seguine
@TimSeguine Thanks! Now that I see it I can't believe I hadn't thought about it myself.
Kevin Cruijssen
I was able to get rid of p, but it is the same size :( a->{int i=0;for(int v:a)a[i]+=v*i++<1?0:a[i-2];}
Tim Seguine

TIS, 68 + 33 = 101 bytes

Code (68 bytes):

SUB 47

Layout (33 bytes):

2 1 CC I0 ASCII - O0 NUMERIC - 32

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|    Input 0    |    Input is given in ASCII (`0` is 48, `1` is 49)
| Node 0 |      |    This node prepares the input data
+--------+      |
| MOV UP ACC    |    Read in a character
| SUB 47        |    Subtract 47 to map [48, 49] to [1, 2]
| MOV ACC ANY   |    Send the 1 or 2 to the next node
|               |    Implicitly wrap back to top of node
| Node 1 |      |    This node does the incrementing/printing
+--------+      |
| ADD 1         |    Increment counter (starts at zero)
| JRO UP        |    Get value from above, and jump forward that many lines  (skip next line or not)
| SUB ACC       |    Reset counter to zero (if input was zero)
| MOV ACC ANY   |    Send the counter value downward to be printed
|               |    Implicitly wrap back to top of node
|   Output 0    |    Output is space-delimited numeric values
la source

Gaia, 5 bytes


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ẋ+⊣¦_     Full program
ẋ         Split into chunks of equal adjacent values.
   ¦_     And for each chunk, flattening the result afterwards...
 +⊣       Reduce it cumulatively on + (addition); aka cumulative sums

Ugh, I thought SE code fonts were monospace....

Mr. Xcoder
la source
They are monospace... There is a space missing on the first line.
Look at the edit. It is still misaligned.
Mr. Xcoder
You must be looking from a mobile device or something - It looks fine to me
@micsthepick I'm not...
Mr. Xcoder

C (gcc), 45 44 38 bytes


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Save one byte thanks to Toby Speight!

Save 6 bytes by using *= and a smarter while condition.

Matej Mulej
la source
You can save 1 byte: *(a-1)a[-1]
Toby Speight
Welcome to PPCG! :)

Perl 6, 29 24 18 bytes

-6 bytes thanks to Sean!


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The inner function could by ($+=1)*=*, but then the anonymous variable would persist across function calls. We get by this by wrapping it in an explicit code block.


*.map:               # Map the array to
      {($+=1)    }   # The anonymous variable incremented
             *=$_    # Multiplied by the element
Jo King
la source
I got the same basic approach down to 16 bytes: *.map(($+=1)*=*). This solution has the proviso that the state variable $ persists across calls to the function, so if the final element passed to one call and the first element passed to the next call are both nonzero, then the counting will start with the wrong number.
@Sean, Yeah I remember struggling with that when I originally answered. Fortunately I've learned a way around that since then
Jo King
You can knock one more byte off: *.map:{...}.

Haskell, 19 bytes


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Explanation: The code is equivalent to scanl1(\b a->(b+a)*a), where b is the current bit and a is the accumulator. scanl1 takes a list, instantiates the first list element as accumulator, and folds over the list and collects the intermediate values in a new list.

Edit: BMO beat me by a few seconds and 4 bytes.

la source

Pyth, 6 bytes


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How it works

m=Z*hZ – Full program. Q = the evaluated input.
m      – For each integer d in Q.
 =Z    – Assign the variable Z (preinitialised to 0) to...
   *hZ – (Z + 1) * d; (d is implicit at the end).
Mr. Xcoder
la source

Wanted to get an answer in using regular expressions. There is probably an easier solution which I leave as an exercise for the reader.

PowerShell Core, 86 bytes

Filter F{($_-split"(0)(\B|\b)"|?{$_-ne''}|%{$_-replace'(1+)',(1..$_.Length)})-join' '}

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Jeff Freeman
la source

QBasic, 60 bytes

FOR i=1TO LEN(s$)

Takes the input as a string; gives the output as numbers separated by newlines.


We read the string s$ and loop i from 1 up to its length.

MID$(s$,i) gets the substring from character i (1-indexed) to the end of the string. If this starts with a 1, it will be lexicographically >= the string "1"; if it starts with a 0, it will not be. So b gets 0 if the character at index i is 0, or -1 if the character is 1.

Next, we update the current value v. If we just read a 0, we want v to become 0; otherwise, we want to increment v by one. In other words, v = (-b) * (v+1); simplifying the math gives the shorter expression seen in the code. Finally, we print v and loop.

la source

Brain-Flak, 60 bytes


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([]){  For each element in the input
    <>(())<>  Push a one to the other stack
    { If the element is one,
       {}<>({}({}))(<>)  Add the one to a copy of the previous number in the series
    }{}  Pop the element
([])}  End loop
{}<>   Pop extra zero
{({}[()]<>)<>}<>   And reverse the output stack, subtracting one from each element
Jo King
la source

C (gcc), 57 52 51 bytes


Port of Arnauld's JavaScript answer, modifies the array in-place. Try it online here.

la source
Wouldn't it be more accurate to say this is K&R C?
Tim Seguine
Possibly, but that would be true of a lot of answers. I'm no expert, but it's entirely possible it's not even valid K&R C. The thing is, we don't really care about the language standards on this site. If gcc allows you to mix K&R C with more modern stuff, then it's valid C for the purposes of golfing because gcc will compile it. See also: codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/2203/tips-for-golfing-in-c
I didn't realize until searching just now that C11 still supports the old identifier list function syntax, so nevermind. But your point holds regardless.
Tim Seguine
Suggest f(a,l,c)int*a;{for(c=0;l--;)c=*a++*=c+1;}

Shakespeare, 365 bytes

I.Ajax,.Ford,.Act I:.Scene I:.[enter Ajax and Ford]Ajax:Open mind!Scene V:.Ford:Am I nicer than the sum of a big red old cute hard cat a big red old cute joy?Ford:If so,you is the sum of thyself a son!Ford:If not,you is zero!Ford:Open heart!Ajax:you is a big red old cute hard cat.Ajax:Speak mind!Ajax:Open mind!Ford:Am I nicer than zero?Ajax:If so, let us Scene V.

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less golfed version

Act I:.
Scene I:.
[enter Ajax and Ford]
Ajax:Open mind!
Scene V:.
Ford:Am I nicer than the sum of a big red old cute hard cat a big red old cute joy?     <- smallest way to 48 (ascii "0") I could think of
Ford:If so,you is the sum of thyself a son!
Ford:If not,you is zero!
Ford:Open heart!
Ajax:you is a big red old cute hard cat.    <- get value of 32 or space
Ajax:Speak mind!                            <- then output it
Ajax:Open mind!
Ford:Am I nicer than zero?
Ajax:If so, let us Scene V.                 <- loop through inputs
Al R
la source
280 bytes. Check out the SPL tips page for golfing tips.
Jo King

C++, 47 bytes

[](int*a,int*b){for(int c=0;a!=b;)c=*a++*=1+c;}

A lambda that modifies an array in place, given start and end pointers.

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Generic version at 55 bytes (this works for any container with elements of arithmetic type):

[](auto a,auto b){for(auto c=*a-*a;a!=b;)c=*a++*=1+c;};
Toby Speight
la source