“Guide de style dactylographié” Réponses codées

type de style dactylographié

type ComponentProps = {
	styles: React.CSSProperties 
Ofir Salem

Guide de style dactylographié

  Long: easier to read throug in lists
    MACRO_CASE: constants, enums 
    kebap-case: file names, paths
    snake_case: API I/O, object properties, variables, function/method attributes. 

  Short: less characters allow us to fit more meaning; e.g. when we extend or scope an entity (both good practices) the name tends to grow 
    camelCase: functions, methods, GraphQL actions
    PascalCase for classes and interfaces, cloud infrastructure resource names

  variable: a noun (an object or a collection of objects)
  function: a verb (an action) against a noun with optional adjunct (e.g. ...FromSomewhere, ...BySomeCriteria)
    When the input attributes are more than two => nest them in a `config` object for readability.
    Prefix private methods with an underscore to be easily distingushable from non-private methods.
  interface: descirption of a noun and/or a verb 
    Not putting commas at the end ot each attribute make it an interface declaration easily distinguishable from a an object declaration

  enum: a list of limited options
    key - capital case with underscore
    value - kebap case; If needed we can switch to short casing at any time with simple util like `toPascalCase()`
Friendly Finch

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