“Variable bash en chaîne” Réponses codées

combiner les cordes bash

foo="${foo} World"
echo "${foo}"
> Hello World

Variable bash en chaîne

${!var}	#Just use to use reference value inside another variable ;)

Exemple de variable bash en chaîne

echo "***Assigning a variable***"
echo "***Printing Var_1 which is assigned value of Softhunt.net***"
echo $Var_1
echo "***Printing Var_2 which is not assigned***"
echo "***Nothing gets printed!***"
echo $Var_start$Var_1$Var_end
echo "***Sequence keyword will print 1 to 4 in different lines***"
seq 1 4
echo "***The following command will print it in single line***"
echo $(seq 1 4)
echo "***Arthmetical operator to add 2 numbers entered by users: 2 and 3"
echo $((2+3))
echo "***Using bc utility to restrict the number of decimals***"
echo "7.5 / 2.1" | bc
echo "***Using bc utility to not restrict the number of decimals***"
echo "7.5 / 2.1" | bc -l
Outrageous Ostrich

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