“python dans le script bash” Réponses codées

Comment exécuter le script bash en python

import subprocess
print "start"
print "end"
Cooperative Crab

python dans le script bash

Just pass a HereDoc to python -.

From python help python -h:
-      : program read from stdin

MYSTRING="Do something in bash"

python - << EOF
myPyString = "Do something on python"
print myPyString


echo "Back to bash"

python dans le script bash

You can use heredoc if you want to keep the source of both bash and python scripts together. For example, say the following are the contents of a file called pyinbash.sh:

echo "Executing a bash statement"
export bashvar=100

cat << EOF > pyscript.py
import subprocess

print 'Hello python'


chmod 755 pyscript.py

Now running the pyinbash.sh will yield:

$ chmod 755 pyinbash.sh
$ ./pyinbash.sh

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