SED remplacer la ligne unique par plusieurs lignes
wget -O metallb-values.yml
cat > /tmp/0 <<EOF
# The address-pools section lists the IP addresses that MetalLB is
# allowed to allocate, along with settings for how to advertise
# those addresses over BGP once assigned. You can have as many
# address pools as you want.
- # A name for the address pool. Services can request allocation
# from a specific address pool using this name, by listing this
# name under the '' annotation.
name: generic-cluster-pool
# Protocol can be used to select how the announcement is done.
# Supported values are bgp and layer2.
protocol: layer2
# A list of IP address ranges over which MetalLB has
# authority. You can list multiple ranges in a single pool, they
# will all share the same settings. Each range can be either a
# CIDR prefix, or an explicit start-end range of IPs.
sed -i -e "/configInline: {}/r /tmp/0" -e "//d" metallb-values.yml