“coquille de Mongo” Réponses codées

Comment connecter MongoDB distant dans CMD

mongo "mongodb://[email protected]:28015/?authSource=admin"
Yawning Yak

Commandes de shell Mongo

show dbs # <=> Print a list of all databases on the server.
use <db> # <=> Switch current database to <db>
show collections # <=> Print a list of all collections for current database.
db.people.insert({name:"Ashwin",gender:"m"}) # <=> Inserts a new "person" collection with a new object in that collection
db.people.find(<any attributes or none>) # <=> Find all persons in the collection
db.people.update({name:"Ashwin"},{gender:"f"}) # <=> Updates the selected (1st parameter) person with new value(2nd parameter)
db.people.remove({name:"Ashwin"}) # <=> Remove where name is "Ashwin"
db.people.drop() # <=> Delete the "people" collection

coquille de Mongo

The mongo shell is an interactive JavaScript interface to MongoDB. You can use the mongo shell to query and update data as well as perform administrative operations. Note. The following document pertains to the mongo shell included in the MongoDB Server Download.

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