“Numéro de carte de crédit divisé Python” Réponses codées

Numéro de carte de crédit divisé Python

import re
def cc(pat):
    # check for the pattern #### #### #### #### with each '#' being a digit
    m=re.match(r'(\d{4})\s(\d{4})\s(\d{4})\s(\d{4})$', pat.strip())
    if not m:
        return False
    # join all the digits in the 4 groups matched, 
    # turn into a list of ints, 
    # sum and 
    # return True/False if divisible by 10: 
    return sum(int(c) for c in ''.join(m.groups()))%10==0

>>> cc('9384 3495 3297 0123')
>>> cc('9384 3495 3297 0121')
Xanthous Xenomorph

Numéro de carte de crédit divisé Python

def check(S): 
    if len(S) != 19 and S[4] != '' and S[9] != '' and S[14] != '':
        return False                # checking if the format is correct

    S = S.replace(" ",'')         # Taking away spaces in the string
    if not S.isdigit():
        return False             # checking that the string has only numbers

    L = []            
    for i in S:
        i = int(i)                # Making a list out of the string and converting each character to an integer so that it the list can be summed 
    if sum(L)//10 != 0:        # checking to see if the sum of the list is divisible by 10
        return False
Xanthous Xenomorph

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