“Laravel Migration Supprimer la colonne” Réponses codées

Laravel Migration Retirez la colonne

public function up()
  Schema::table('table', function($table) {
Faithful Fish

Laravel Migration Rollback

To rollback one step:

php artisan migrate:rollback

To rollback multiple steps:

php artisan migrate:rollback --step=[x]
To drop all tables and reload all migrations:

php artisan migrate:fresh
Angry Albatross

Colonne Laravel Drop

// To drop a column, use the dropColumn method on the schema builder.
// Before dropping columns from a SQLite database, you will need to add
// the doctrine/dbal dependency to your composer.json file and run the
// composer update command in your terminal to install the library:

Schema::table('users', function (Blueprint $table) {

migration de colonne de dépôt Laravel

 Class RemoveCommentViewCount extends Migration
      public function up()
          Schema::table('articles', function($table) {

      public function down()
          Schema::table('articles', function($table) {
Lazy Book

Laravel Migration Supprimer la colonne

Class RemoveCommentViewCount extends Migration
      public function up()
          Schema::table('table', function($table) {

      public function down()
          Schema::table('table', function($table) {
Muhammad Kaleem

Laravel Migration Drop Clés étrangères

Open Octopus

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