“Trouvez le deuxième plus grand nombre dans le tableau JavaScript” Réponses codées

Trouvez le deuxième plus grand nombre dans le tableau JavaScript

var secondMax = function (){ 
    var arr = [20, 120, 111, 215, 54, 78]; // use int arrays
    var max = Math.max.apply(null, arr); // get the max of the array
    arr.splice(arr.indexOf(max), 1); // remove max from the array
    return Math.max.apply(null, arr); // get the 2nd max
Jumping Boy

Trouvez le deuxième plus grand nombre dans le tableau JavaScript en utilisant pour Loop

const array = [32, 523, 5632, 920, 6000];

let largestNum = array[0];
let secondLargestNum = 0;

for(let i = 1; i < array.length; i++) {
	if(array[i] > largestNum) {
    secondLargestNum = largestNum;
    largestNum = array[i];  
  if else (array[i] !== largestNum && array[i] > secondLargestNum) {
  secondLargestNum = array[i];
console.log("Largest Number in the array is " + largestNum);
console.log("Second Largest Number in the array is " + secondLargestNum);

/* Explanation: 
1) Initialize the largestNum as index of arr[0] element
2) Start traversing the array from array[1],
   a) If the current element in array say arr[i] is greater
      than largestNum. Then update largestNum and secondLargestNum as,
      secondLargestNum = largestNum
      largestNum = arr[i]
   b) If the current element is in between largestNum and secondLargestNum,
      then update secondLargestNum to store the value of current variable as
      secondLargestNum = arr[i]
3) Return the value stored in secondLargestNum.
Md. Ashikur Rahman

Trouvez le deuxième plus grand nombre dans le tableau JavaScript

var secondMax = function (arr){ 
    var max = Math.max.apply(null, arr), // get the max of the array
        maxi = arr.indexOf(max);
    arr[maxi] = -Infinity; // replace max in the array with -infinity
    var secondMax = Math.max.apply(null, arr); // get the new max 
    arr[maxi] = max;
    return secondMax;
Courageous Chamois

Trouvez le deuxième plus grand nombre dans le tableau JavaScript

const arr = ['20','120','111','215','54','78', '120'];   
let intArray = arr.map(Number); // convert into number
intArray = [...new Set(intArray)]; // Remove duplicate numbers
const secondLargestNumber = intArray.sort((a,b) => {
   return b - a;
console.log(secondLargestNumber) // 120
Blushing Bird

Trouvez le deuxième plus grand nombre dans le tableau JavaScript

function findSecondLargest(arr){

    let largest=0, secondLargest = 0

    for (i of arr){
        if (i > largest){
            largest = i

    for (j of arr){
        if(j>secondLargest && j<largest){
            secondLargest =   j

    return secondLargest;


console.log("Second Largest",findSecondLargest([1,4,2,3,0]))

Marzooq Abbas

Trouvez le deuxième plus grand nombre dans le tableau JavaScript

function nextBiggest(arr) {
  let max = -Infinity, result = -Infinity;

  for (const value of arr) {
    const nr = Number(value)

    if (nr > max) {
      [result, max] = [max, nr] // save previous max
    } else if (nr < max && nr > result) {
      result = nr; // new second biggest

  return result;

const arr = ['20','120','111','215','54','78'];
Agreeable Armadillo

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