Aucune surcharge ne correspond à cet appel. Surcharge 1 sur 2,


J'ai un store.jsdossier

import { createStore, combineReducers } from "redux";
import reducerADD from "../reducer/reducerADD"

export const store = createStore(combineReducers({ reducerADD}));

Lorsque je change de format dans, store.tsxj'obtiens une erreur:

No overload matches this call.
  Overload 1 of 2, '(reducers: ReducersMapObject<{ reducerADD: { lastName: string; firstName: string; password: string; email: string; }[]; }, any>): Reducer<{ reducerADD: { lastName: string; firstName: string; password: string; email: string; }[]; }, AnyAction>', gave the following error.
    Type '(state: never[] | undefined, action: action) => { lastName: string; firstName: string; password: string; email: string; }[]' is not assignable to type 'Reducer<{ lastName: string; firstName: string; password: string; email: string; }[], any>'.
      Types of parameters 'state' and 'state' are incompatible.
        Type '{ lastName: string; firstName: string; password: string; email: string; }[] | undefined' is not assignable to type 'never[] | undefined'.
          Type '{ lastName: string; firstName: string; password: string; email: string; }[]' is not assignable to type 'never[]'.
            Type '{ lastName: string; firstName: string; password: string; email: string; }' is not assignable to type 'never'.
  Overload 2 of 2, '(reducers: ReducersMapObject<{ reducerADD: { lastName: string; firstName: string; password: string; email: string; }[]; }, AnyAction>): Reducer<{ reducerADD: { lastName: string; firstName: string; password: string; email: string; }[]; }, AnyAction>', gave the following error.
    Type '(state: never[] | undefined, action: action) => { lastName: string; firstName: string; password: string; email: string; }[]' is not assignable to type 'Reducer<{ lastName: string; firstName: string; password: string; email: string; }[], AnyAction>'.
      Types of parameters 'state' and 'state' are incompatible.
        Type '{ lastName: string; firstName: string; password: string; email: string; }[] | undefined' is not assignable to type 'never[] | undefined'.
          Type '{ lastName: string; firstName: string; password: string; email: string; }[]' is not assignable to type 'never[]'.

Quelle est la raison pour ça?

la source
Quelle est la définition de reducerADD?
const reducerADD = (state = [], action:action) =>{ switch (action.type) { case "ADD": return [...state, ...[action.add]]; default: return state; } }



L'état doit être plus typé. Il essaie de convertir votre état initial de type anyen type never.

Lors de la création de l'état par défaut pour les données, vous devez définir une interface pour votre état, voici un exemple de tableau de liste de tâches:

interface IAppState {
  toDoList: any[];
const initialState: IAppState = {
  toDoList: []

export default function reducer(state = initialState, action) {}
la source