ImportError: aucun module nommé dateutil.parser


Je reçois l'erreur suivante lors de l'importation pandasdans un Pythonprogramme

monas-mbp:book mona$ sudo pip install python-dateutil
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): python-dateutil in /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Extras/lib/python
Cleaning up...
monas-mbp:book mona$ python
No module named dateutil.parser
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 4, in <module>
    import pandas as pd
  File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/pandas/", line 6, in <module>
    from . import hashtable, tslib, lib
  File "tslib.pyx", line 31, in init pandas.tslib (pandas/tslib.c:48782)
ImportError: No module named dateutil.parser

Voici également le programme:

import codecs 
from math import sqrt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

users = {"Angelica": {"Blues Traveler": 3.5, "Broken Bells": 2.0,
                      "Norah Jones": 4.5, "Phoenix": 5.0,
                      "Slightly Stoopid": 1.5,
                      "The Strokes": 2.5, "Vampire Weekend": 2.0},

         "Bill":{"Blues Traveler": 2.0, "Broken Bells": 3.5,
                 "Deadmau5": 4.0, "Phoenix": 2.0,
                 "Slightly Stoopid": 3.5, "Vampire Weekend": 3.0},

         "Chan": {"Blues Traveler": 5.0, "Broken Bells": 1.0,
                  "Deadmau5": 1.0, "Norah Jones": 3.0, "Phoenix": 5,
                  "Slightly Stoopid": 1.0},

         "Dan": {"Blues Traveler": 3.0, "Broken Bells": 4.0,
                 "Deadmau5": 4.5, "Phoenix": 3.0,
                 "Slightly Stoopid": 4.5, "The Strokes": 4.0,
                 "Vampire Weekend": 2.0},

         "Hailey": {"Broken Bells": 4.0, "Deadmau5": 1.0,
                    "Norah Jones": 4.0, "The Strokes": 4.0,
                    "Vampire Weekend": 1.0},

         "Jordyn":  {"Broken Bells": 4.5, "Deadmau5": 4.0,
                     "Norah Jones": 5.0, "Phoenix": 5.0,
                     "Slightly Stoopid": 4.5, "The Strokes": 4.0,
                     "Vampire Weekend": 4.0},

         "Sam": {"Blues Traveler": 5.0, "Broken Bells": 2.0,
                 "Norah Jones": 3.0, "Phoenix": 5.0,
                 "Slightly Stoopid": 4.0, "The Strokes": 5.0},

         "Veronica": {"Blues Traveler": 3.0, "Norah Jones": 5.0,
                      "Phoenix": 4.0, "Slightly Stoopid": 2.5,
                      "The Strokes": 3.0}

class recommender:

    def __init__(self, data, k=1, metric='pearson', n=5):
        """ initialize recommender
        currently, if data is dictionary the recommender is initialized
        to it.
        For all other data types of data, no initialization occurs
        k is the k value for k nearest neighbor
        metric is which distance formula to use
        n is the maximum number of recommendations to make"""
        self.k = k
        self.n = n
        self.username2id = {}
        self.userid2name = {}
        self.productid2name = {}
        # for some reason I want to save the name of the metric
        self.metric = metric
        if self.metric == 'pearson':
            self.fn = self.pearson
        # if data is dictionary set recommender data to it
        if type(data).__name__ == 'dict':
   = data

    def convertProductID2name(self, id):
        """Given product id number return product name"""
        if id in self.productid2name:
            return self.productid2name[id]
            return id

    def userRatings(self, id, n):
        """Return n top ratings for user with id"""
        print ("Ratings for " + self.userid2name[id])
        ratings =[id]
        ratings = list(ratings.items())
        ratings = [(self.convertProductID2name(k), v)
                   for (k, v) in ratings]
        # finally sort and return
        ratings.sort(key=lambda artistTuple: artistTuple[1],
                     reverse = True)
        ratings = ratings[:n]
        for rating in ratings:
            print("%s\t%i" % (rating[0], rating[1]))

    def loadBookDB(self, path=''):
        """loads the BX book dataset. Path is where the BX files are
        located""" = {}
        i = 0
        # First load book ratings into
        f = + "BX-Book-Ratings.csv", 'r', 'utf8')
        for line in f:
            i += 1
            #separate line into fields
            fields = line.split(';')
            user = fields[0].strip('"')
            book = fields[1].strip('"')
            rating = int(fields[2].strip().strip('"'))
            if user in
                currentRatings =[user]
                currentRatings = {}
            currentRatings[book] = rating
  [user] = currentRatings
        # Now load books into self.productid2name
        # Books contains isbn, title, and author among other fields
        f = + "BX-Books.csv", 'r', 'utf8')
        for line in f:
            i += 1
            #separate line into fields
            fields = line.split(';')
            isbn = fields[0].strip('"')
            title = fields[1].strip('"')
            author = fields[2].strip().strip('"')
            title = title + ' by ' + author
            self.productid2name[isbn] = title
        #  Now load user info into both self.userid2name and
        #  self.username2id
        f = + "BX-Users.csv", 'r', 'utf8')
        for line in f:
            i += 1
            #separate line into fields
            fields = line.split(';')
            userid = fields[0].strip('"')
            location = fields[1].strip('"')
            if len(fields) > 3:
                age = fields[2].strip().strip('"')
                age = 'NULL'
            if age != 'NULL':
                value = location + '  (age: ' + age + ')'
                value = location
            self.userid2name[userid] = value
            self.username2id[location] = userid

    def pearson(self, rating1, rating2):
        sum_xy = 0
        sum_x = 0
        sum_y = 0
        sum_x2 = 0
        sum_y2 = 0
        n = 0
        for key in rating1:
            if key in rating2:
                n += 1
                x = rating1[key]
                y = rating2[key]
                sum_xy += x * y
                sum_x += x
                sum_y += y
                sum_x2 += pow(x, 2)
                sum_y2 += pow(y, 2)
        if n == 0:
            return 0
        # now compute denominator
        denominator = (sqrt(sum_x2 - pow(sum_x, 2) / n)
                       * sqrt(sum_y2 - pow(sum_y, 2) / n))
        if denominator == 0:
            return 0
            return (sum_xy - (sum_x * sum_y) / n) / denominator

    def computeNearestNeighbor(self, username):
        """creates a sorted list of users based on their distance to
        distances = []
        for instance in
            if instance != username:
                distance = self.fn([username],
                distances.append((instance, distance))
        # sort based on distance -- closest first
        distances.sort(key=lambda artistTuple: artistTuple[1],
        return distances

    def recommend(self, user):
       """Give list of recommendations"""
       recommendations = {}
       # first get list of users  ordered by nearness
       nearest = self.computeNearestNeighbor(user)
       # now get the ratings for the user
       userRatings =[user]
       # determine the total distance
       totalDistance = 0.0
       for i in range(self.k):
          totalDistance += nearest[i][1]
       # now iterate through the k nearest neighbors
       # accumulating their ratings
       for i in range(self.k):
          # compute slice of pie 
          weight = nearest[i][1] / totalDistance
          # get the name of the person
          name = nearest[i][0]
          # get the ratings for this person
          neighborRatings =[name]
          # get the name of the person
          # now find bands neighbor rated that user didn't
          for artist in neighborRatings:
             if not artist in userRatings:
                if artist not in recommendations:
                   recommendations[artist] = (neighborRatings[artist]
                                              * weight)
                   recommendations[artist] = (recommendations[artist]
                                              + neighborRatings[artist]
                                              * weight)
       # now make list from dictionary
       recommendations = list(recommendations.items())
       recommendations = [(self.convertProductID2name(k), v)
                          for (k, v) in recommendations]
       # finally sort and return
       recommendations.sort(key=lambda artistTuple: artistTuple[1],
                            reverse = True)
       # Return the first n items
       return recommendations[:self.n]

r = recommender(users)
# The author implementation

ratings = pd.read_csv('/Users/danialt/BX-CSV-Dump/BX-Book-Ratings.csv', sep=";", quotechar="\"", escapechar="\\")
books = pd.read_csv('/Users/danialt/BX-CSV-Dump/BX-Books.csv', sep=";", quotechar="\"", escapechar="\\")
users = pd.read_csv('/Users/danialt/BX-CSV-Dump/BX-Users.csv', sep=";", quotechar="\"", escapechar="\\")

pivot_rating = ratings.pivot(index='User-ID', columns='ISBN', values='Book-Rating')
Mona Jalal
la source
use --upgrade to upgrade- avez-vous essayé ça? Il semble que vous dateutilsoyez obsolète.
user2357112 prend en charge Monica
peut-être essayer de forcer la réinstallation sudo pip install python-dateutil --force-reinstall... Comment avez-vous installé les pandas?
Andy Hayden
@AndyHayden J'ai résolu le problème dans la réponse. Cependant je suis confronté à un nouveau problème décrit dans la réponse.
Mona Jalal
Lorsqu'elle est résolue et qu'elle n'est pas utile aux autres, envisagez de supprimer la question. Au lieu de publier une nouvelle question dans votre "réponse", pensez à poster une nouvelle question ... du moins si elle présente un intérêt général pour les autres aussi!
A QUITTER - Anony-Mousse
sudo pip install numpy python-dateutil pytz pyparsing six --force-reinstall --upgradeenfin fait pour moi (j'étais sur le point de devenir fou)



Sur Ubuntu, vous devrez peut-être d'abord installer le gestionnaire de packages pip:

sudo apt-get install python-pip

Ensuite, installez le python-dateutilpackage avec:

sudo pip install python-dateutil
la source
Il est recommandé de faire l'installation de pip sans sudo
@MikeL Just FYI - J'ai essayé l'installation de pip sans sudo sur mon RPI et cela n'a pas fonctionné. OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/dateutil'
Captain Whippet
Si vous avez toujours utilisé sudo, vos packages sont installés sur le système (/ usr / ...). C'est une mauvaise idée, mais réalisable si vous êtes le seul utilisateur du système. Sinon, ils sont installés pour votre utilisateur (/ home / votrenom / ...). Cependant, la recommandation d'utiliser virtualenvs plutôt que d'installer sur le système ne cesse de se renforcer. Voir pour plus de détails.

Pour Python 3:

pip3 install python-dateutil
John R Perry
la source

Pour Python 3 ci-dessus, utilisez:

sudo apt-get install python3-dateutil
Akhilesh NS
la source
Je ne pense pas que ce soit exact. C'est une bibliothèque tierce qui a maintenant été portée sur python3, mais l'installation est toujours pip3 install python-dateutilpour les utilisateurs de python 3
NE PAS utiliser python3-dateutil: c'est une fausse version de la chose réelle qui ajoute du code malveillant via une autre bibliothèque qui n'est pas nécessaire à dateutil. Voir
Steve Jalim

Si vous utilisez un virtualenv , assurez-vous que vous exécutez pip depuis le virtualenv .

$ which pip
$ find . -name pip -print
$ ./flask/bin/pip install python-dateutil
la source

Aucune des solutions n'a fonctionné pour moi. Si vous utilisez PIP, procédez comme suit:

pip install pycrypto==2.6.1

Rishi Ranjan
la source

Dans Ubuntu 18.04 pour Python2:

sudo apt-get install python-dateutil
la source

J'ai les mêmes problèmes sur mon MacOS et c'est un travail pour moi d'essayer d'installer python-dateutil

Vérifiez ici

la source

Si vous utilisez Pipenv, vous devrez peut-être ajouter ceci à votre Pipfile:

python-dateutil = "*"
Josh F
la source