Il existe d'excellents blogs pour les programmeurs (Joel on Software, Essays de Paul Graham, etc.). J'aimerais connaître tout contenu de qualité similaire pour l'électronique. Avez-vous de bons blogs ou podcasts que vous aimez?
(soumettez une réponse pour chaque blog)
Electronics Engineering Video Blog Podcast(eevblog)
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Chris Gammell's Analog Life
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I'm surprised that nobody mentioned The Fat Man and Circuit Girl:
I'd say it's more along the lines of Joel on Software, where they're really sharing a lot of information on things they've tried and how it's worked out, but the community goes above and beyond. It's a very entertaining and educational group.
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A lovely little ham radio podcast that I've been listening to for years. I'm not a ham radio guy at all, so there's plenty of interest to the general technologist here.
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There are lots of blogs that people use to talk about their own projects. They may not be "general education" but you wil certainly learn something. Some of my favorites:
This one is more engineering oriented -
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I'm enjoying The Amp Hour Podcast
From Dave Jones (EEVBlog) and Chris Gammell
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Jack Ganssle's column on - and indeed, itself.
Also, the collection of articles on his website.
Admittedly these are mostly (though not entirely) software-oriented - but specifically embedded software.
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Very inspiring:
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Although rather infrequent Adafruit Industries - Citizen Engineer
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Keith's Electronics Blog
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Flying Flux
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Not specifically electronics but plenty of projects:
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I feel a little self-serving by adding this one, but I write it and I do try to mostly put in useful information without too much commercial type content. It's predominantly about how to avoid common design and layout things that trip a lot of people up when they get to the point of building a board.
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Eric Archer's Site especially the Devices section.
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If you've ever wanted to build your own Synth:
Music From Outer Space
Check out the Virtual Breadboard Designer under the Electronic Bubblegum section if nothing else.
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I have a new Blog, not a lot of content yet but I will keep adding. Someone has already mentioned HackADay. That is a great blog.
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I have collected many blogs about electronics over the three years and I have made an aggregated list of RSS feeds available through Google Reader. Most of the blogs in this list are already mentioned here here but you might encounter some less familiar ones. I have also linked this feed to a twitter account.
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Lattice Semiconductor (an FPGA company) has this blog.
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This one on reconfigurable computing in FPGAs.
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Here in Brazil we have the Newton C. Braga Blog:
There are lots of articles and tutorials.
It's in portuguese, but you can try translate it.
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Evil Mad Scientist Laboratory
Projects, electronics or otherwise. All very sciency.
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The site has a lot of circuits in portuguese, but with the Language Tool box it can be translated into english (or other languages). Try it.
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The Ben Heck show has turned out to be a really great show about hacking electronics. He digs into existing electronics and mods them for different purposes.
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Here's a very nice electronics blog:
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