“famille de polices” Réponses codées

Famille CSS

Dr. Hippo

CSS de police

font-family: "Times New Roman", Georgia, serif;
/* If the browser does not support the first font (ie: Times New Roman),
it will then try the next font (ie: Georgia). The last font should always
be a "generic-family" font (ie: serif, sans-serif, etc..).
/* If font is more then one word, it must be put into quotes. */

famille de polices

    function getCKBasicConfig(){
           fontFamily: {
           options:  @json($fontNames)
           toolbar: [
			'fontColor','fontBackgroundColor','Alignment','undo', 'redo'
Ill Iguana

famille de polices

    function getCKBasicConfig(){
       return {ooo
           fontFamily: {
           options:  @json($fontNames)
           toolbar: [
			'fontColor','fontBackgroundColor','Alignment','undo', 'redo'
Ill Iguana

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