Téléchargement Linux depuis le fichier privé Google Drive

If the file is public, just copy the download link (from the "download anyway"
button) and use:

wget <link>

But if the file is private, but your account has access:

1) Go to https://github.com/prasmussen/gdrive/releases, and download the relevant file
2) Unzip it on your linux machine with tar -xvf <filename>
3) do ./gdrive about
4) log in with your cradentials.
5) copy the file link as explaind above to some place, and copy the id
from https://drive.google.com/u/1/uc?export=download&confirm=Ygzu&id=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
where the XXXs are the ID.
6) do ./gdrive download <XXXID>
Testy Toad