Générer le jeton de tableau de bord Kubernetes
There are two ways. When you deploy the manifest originally, this can be done by modifying the Container Args to include this directive: --token-ttl=43200 where 43200 is the number of seconds you want to set the automatic timeout to be.
If you want to manipulate the configuration post-deployment, then you can edit the existing deployment which will trigger the pod to be redeployed with the new arguments. To do this run kubectl edit deployment -n kube-system kubernetes-dashboard and add the argument mentioned above to the args section.
EDIT: If you are using V2 of the Dashboard (Still in beta) then you will need to change the namespace in the command from kube-system to kubernetes-dashboard. (Or somewhere else if you customized it)
EDIT2: You can also set token-ttl to 0 to disable timeouts entirely.
# ... content before...
- args:
- --auto-generate-certificates
- --namespace=kubernetes-dashboard
- --token-ttl=0 # <-- add this with your timeout
image: kubernetesui/dashboard:v2.0.0
# ... content after ...