Créer et exécuter le registre Docker

docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --restart=always --name my-registry registry:2

#To check the list of images pushed , use
curl -X GET localhost:5000/v2/_catalog

#to push some images to our registry server.

#Let's push two images for now .i.e. nginx:latest and httpd:latest.

docker pull nginx:latest 

docker image tag nginx:latest 

and finally push it using 
docker push localhost:5000/nginx:latest.

#We will use the same steps for the second

image docker pull httpd:latest 
and then

docker image tag httpd:latest 


and finally push it using
docker push localhost:5000/httpd:latest

docker image prune -a
This will remove all images without at least one container associated to them.

docker image ls
#to view number of images

#to pull images from local server
docker pull [server-addr/image-name]

docker pull localhost:5000/nginx

#to stop and remove registry 
Use: docker stop my-registry and then docker rm my-registry
Better Buzzard