“Si la déclaration python” Réponses codées

Si la déclaration python

a = 22
b = 100
if b > a:
  print("b is greater than a")

Si la déclaration python

can_do = True
can_do1 = True

if can_do:
    print("we can do it")
elif can_do1:
    print("we can do it but the second time")    
    print("we cant do it")
#result should be (we can do it.)

Si déclaration dans Python

can_run = True
can_run2 = False

if can_run:
    print("i can run the code because can_run is true")
elif can_run2:
    print("i can run the code if can_run2 is true")
    print("no other bool found true")

#result should be (i can run the code because can_run is true

Si la déclaration python

x = int(input("number: ")) # get number from user

if x < 0:
  print(f"{x} is less than 0!") # if x is less than 0, print x is less than 0
elif x == 0:
  print(f"{x} is equal to 0!") # if x is equal to 0 then print x is equal to 0
if x > 0:
  print(f"{x} is more than 0!") # if x is greater than 0 print x is more than 0

# yeah its me somewhatoriginal

Si la déclaration python

temperature = float(input('What is the temperature? '))
    if temperature > 70:
        print('Wear shorts.')
        print('Wear long pants.')
    print('Get some exercise outside.')

Si la déclaration python

number = 5
if number == 5:
  print("number equals 5")
  print("number does not equal 5")
Powerful Piranha

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