“Recapcha Django” Réponses codées

Recapcha Django

captcha = fields.ReCaptchaField(
        api_params={'hl': 'cl', 'onload': 'onLoadFunc'}
# The dictionary is urlencoded and appended to the reCAPTCHA api url.
Nutty Phoenix

Recapcha Django

Nutty Phoenix

Recapcha Django

RECAPTCHA_PROXY = {'http': '', 'https': ''}
Nutty Phoenix

Recapcha Django

from django import forms
from captcha.fields import ReCaptchaField

class FormWithCaptcha(forms.Form):
    captcha = ReCaptchaField()
Nutty Phoenix

Recapcha Django

captcha = fields.ReCaptchaField(
            'data-theme': 'dark',
            'data-size': 'compact',
# The ReCaptchaV2Invisible widget
# ignores the "data-size" attribute in favor of 'data-size="invisible"'
Nutty Phoenix

Recapcha Django

SILENCED_SYSTEM_CHECKS = ['captcha.recaptcha_test_key_error']
Nutty Phoenix

Recapcha Django

RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY = 'MyRecaptchaKey123'
RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY = 'MyRecaptchaPrivateKey456'
Nutty Phoenix

Recapcha Django

RECAPTCHA_DOMAIN = 'www.recaptcha.net'
Nutty Phoenix

Recapcha Django

from django import forms
from captcha.fields import ReCaptchaField
from captcha.widgets import ReCaptchaV2Invisible

class FormWithCaptcha(forms.Form):
    captcha = ReCaptchaField(widget=ReCaptchaV2Invisible)
Nutty Phoenix

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