“Python Inverse Mots dans String” Réponses codées

Comment inverser l'ordre des mots dans Python

## initializing the string
string = "I am a python programmer"
## splitting the string on space
words = string.split()
## reversing the words using reversed() function
words = list(reversed(words))
## joining the words and printing
print(" ".join(words))
Distinct Dragonfly

comment inverser une chaîne en python

# in order to make a string reversed in python 
# you have to use the slicing as following

string = "racecar"
Tejas Naik

Python inverse une chaîne


def reverse(s): 
  str = "" 
  for i in s: 
    str = i + str
  return str

'hello world'[::-1]
Smiling Salmon

inverser une chaîne python

string = 'abcd'
Lonely Louse

chaîne inversée python

reversed_string = input_string[::-1]
Xanthous Xenomorph

Python Inverse Mots dans String

def reverse(st):
    s = st.split()
    return ' '.join(s[::-1])

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