“Ouverture d'un fichier dans Python” Réponses codées

fichier de lecture python

with open("file.txt", "r") as txt_file:
  return txt_file.readlines()

Fichier Python ouvert

#there are many modes you can open files in. r means read.
file = open('C:\Users\yourname\files\file.txt','r')
text = file.read()

#you can write a string to it, too!
file = open('C:\Users\yourname\files\file.txt','w')
file.write('This is a typical string')

#don't forget to close it afterwards!
Dr. Hippo

Lire des fichiers en python

>>> f = open("test.txt",'r',encoding = 'utf-8')
>>> f.read(4)    # read the first 4 data

>>> f.read(4)    # read the next 4 data
' is '

>>> f.read()     # read in the rest till end of file
'my first file\nThis file\ncontains three lines\n'

>>> f.read()  # further reading returns empty sting

Comment ouvrir un fichier avec Python

x = open("filename.txt", "r")
print(x.read()) #if file is a txt file this will print the text
#Make sure the file is in the same directory as were your python file is opened in.
#you can also make a var out of your text by doing:
var = x.read() #or 
var = open("filename.txt", "r").read()
chubby dawg

ouvrir le fichier Python

# Open function to open the file "MyFile1.txt" 
# (same directory) in append mode and
file1 = open("MyFile.txt","a")
# store its reference in the variable file1 
# and "MyFile2.txt" in D:\Text in file2
file2 = open(r"D:\Text\MyFile2.txt","w+")
Obnoxious Ostrich

Ouverture d'un fichier dans Python

file1 = open("SofthuntFile1.txt","a")
file2 = open(r"D:\Python\Text\SofthuntFile2.txt","w+")
Outrageous Ostrich

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