Liste pour chaîner Python
list1 = [1, 2, 3]
str1 = ''.join(str(e) for e in list1)
Amused Antelope
list1 = [1, 2, 3]
str1 = ''.join(str(e) for e in list1)
# Python program to convert a list
# to string using list comprehension
s = ['I', 'want', 4, 'apples', 'and', 18, 'bananas']
# using list comprehension
listToStr = ' '.join([str(elem) for elem in s])
List = ["ITEM1", "ITEM2", "ITEM3"]
string_version = "".join(List)
list1 = ['1', '2', '3']
str1 = ''.join(list1)
list_of_num = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
# Covert list of integers to a string
full_str = ' '.join([str(elem) for elem in list_of_num])
# Python program to convert a list
# to string using list comprehension
s = ['I', 'ate', 2, 'shake', 'and', 3, 'chocolates']
# using list comprehension
listToStr = ' '.join([str(element) for element in s])