“Les touches de sélénium entrent Python” Réponses codées

Les touches de sélénium entrent Python

from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
Helpless Hummingbird

Comment appuyer sur Entrée dans Selenium Python

from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys

## In some pages, there is no submit button to submit the query, instead, it requires
## hitting enter button to submit the query.
## So in that case, we need to press enter button.
## To do that we need to import the above module.
## Then after we need to specify the textbox (in my case,it is tb)
## for which we want to hit enter button and
## submit the query, and then using send_keys(), we need to 
## pass value inside it which is ENTER button.
## It worked in my case, hope it work for yours :)
Helper :)

Comment appuyer sur Entrée dans Selenium Python

from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
Tejas Naik

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