“animer la série chronologique Python” Réponses codées

animer la série chronologique Python

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import animation

dt = 0.01
tfinal = 1
x0 = 0

sqrtdt = np.sqrt(dt)
n = int(tfinal/dt)
xtraj = np.zeros(n+1, float)
trange = np.linspace(start=0,stop=tfinal ,num=n+1)
xtraj[0] = x0

for i in range(n):
    xtraj[i+1] = xtraj[i] + np.random.normal()

x = trange
y = xtraj

# animation line plot example

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize = (6, 6))

def animate(i):
    ax.cla() # clear the previous image
    ax.plot(x[:i], y[:i]) # plot the line
    ax.set_xlim([x0, tfinal]) # fix the x axis
    ax.set_ylim([1.1*np.min(y), 1.1*np.max(y)]) # fix the y axis

anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, frames = len(x) + 1, interval = 1, blit = False)
Perfect Pollan

animer la série chronologique Python

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import animation

dt = 0.01
tfinal = 1
x0 = 0

sqrtdt = np.sqrt(dt)
n = int(tfinal/dt)
xtraj = np.zeros(n+1, float)
trange = np.linspace(start=0,stop=tfinal ,num=n+1)
xtraj[0] = x0

for i in range(n):
    xtraj[i+1] = xtraj[i] + np.random.normal()

x = trange
y = xtraj

# animation line plot example

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize = (6, 6))

def animate(i):
    ax.cla() # clear the previous image
    ax.plot(x[:i], y[:i]) # plot the line
    ax.set_xlim([x0, tfinal]) # fix the x axis
    ax.set_ylim([1.1*np.min(y), 1.1*np.max(y)]) # fix the y axis

anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, frames = len(x) + 1, interval = 1, blit = False)

Talented Tuatara

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