“Comment obtenir un nombre aléatoire dans Lua” Réponses codées

Comment obtenir un nombre aléatoire dans Lua

local randomNumber1 = math.random(1, 10) --Returns a number between 1 and 10.
local randomNumber2 = math.random(10) --Also returns a number between 1 and 10.

print(randomNumber1, randomNumber2) --OUTPUT EXAMPLE: "6, 8"

Lua Nombres aléatoires Impression

local randomnumber = Math.Random(1, 10) -this is a random number between 1 and 10
local canprint = True
local count = 0

while canprint do --gonna loop when canprint is true
    Print(randomnumber) --gonna print random number
    wait(1) --waiting one sec
    count = count + 1 --gonna count to one. it will say that we have done it 1 time already
    if count == 10 then --if we print it 10 times it will count canprint as false
        canprint = false        

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