“Quelle est la zone morte temporelle” Réponses codées

zone morte temporelle

let totalPrice = coursePrice * 1.18;     //---------
                                         //         | ------>  this is TDZ for coursePrice
                                         //         |
console.log(totalPrice);                 //---------

let coursePrice = 699;
sani sahani

Quelle est la zone morte temporelle

What is the Temporal Dead Zone?

This is what the TDZ is: the term to describe the state where variables are 
un-reachable. They are in scope, but they aren't declared.

The let and const variables exist in the TDZ from the start of their enclosing 
scope until they are declared.

You could also say that the variables exist in the TDZ from the place they get 
bound (when the variable gets bound to the scope it's inside) until it is 
declared (when a name is reserved in memory for that variable).
Shrey A

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