Comment importer un certificat du navigateur dans Java
A8 98 5D 3A 65 E5 E5 C4 B2 D7 D6 6D 40 C6 DD 2F B1 9C 54 36
Healthy Hamerkop
A8 98 5D 3A 65 E5 E5 C4 B2 D7 D6 6D 40 C6 DD 2F B1 9C 54 36
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List all the trusted public Root CAs in your Java truststore
Navigate to the $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security folder for the cacerts file
cacerts is the default Java truststore. A truststore authenticates peers. A keystore authenticates yourself. cacerts is where Java stores public certificates of trusted Root CAs
Use the following command (on Unix, a similar command is available in other OSes) to list the existing certs in the truststore:
keytool -keystore $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts -listThe default password for the truststore: changeit