Exemple de service API Flutter

void getTime () async
// make the request
Response response = await get('http://worldtimeapi. org/api/timezone/Eu rope/London ') ;
Map data = jsonDecode ( response . body);
//print (data) ;

// Response:
// PRO TIP: Use Json Viewer Plugin on Android Studio!
// https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/14149-json-viewer
  week_number: 34,
  utc_offset: +01: 00,
  utc_datetime: 22019-08-22T16: 46: 37.296404+00: 00,
  unixtime: 1566492397,
  timezone: Europe/London,
  raw_offset: 0,
  dst_until: 2019-10-27TO1: 00: 00+00: 00,
  dst_offset: 3600,
  dst_from: 2019-03-31TO1: 00: 00+00: 00,
  dst: true,
  day_of_year: 234,
  day_of_week: 4,
  datetime2019-08-22T17: 46: 37.296404+01: 00,
  abbreviation: BST
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