“Comment faire un rapport Instagram Bot Python” Réponses codées

Comment faire un rapport Instagram Bot Python

mahsa sajdi

Comment faire un rapport Instagram Bot Python

mahsa sajdi

Comment faire un rapport Instagram Bot Python

Dark Noah

Comment faire un rapport Instagram Bot Python

vikash pandey

Comment faire un rapport Instagram Bot Python

mahsa sajdi

Comment faire un rapport Instagram Bot Python

mahsa sajdi

Comment faire un rapport Instagram Bot Python

mahsa sajdi

Comment faire un rapport Instagram Bot Python

import time
from webbot import *
import pyautogui

import argparse
import sys

# To parse the arguments
def getOptions(args=sys.argv[1:]):

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="This bot helps users to mass report accounts with clickbaits or objectionable material.")
    parser.add_argument("-u", "--username", type = str, default = "", help = "Username to report.")
    parser.add_argument("-f", "--file", type = str, default = "acc.txt", help = "Accounts list ( Defaults to acc.txt in program directory ).")

    options = parser.parse_args(args)

    return options

args = getOptions()

username = args.username
acc_file = args.file

if username == "" :
	username = input("Username: ")

a = open(acc_file, "r").readlines()
file = [s.rstrip()for s in a]kosdo_abdell report 
Bewildered Batfish

Comment faire un rapport Instagram Bot Python

mahsa sajdi

Comment faire un rapport Instagram Bot Python

vikash pandey

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